Amazing Animal 7: Tapir

 Pronounced ta-pier appears to be a cross between a pig and an anteater. Tapirs, found in the jungles of South and Central America are actually mammals and are more closely related to horses and rhinos. Adult males can weigh up to 700 lbs, and though the four species vary in color and fur, they all have oval, white-tipped ears, rounded rumps, stubby tails, and can possess as many as 44 teeth. Tapirs diet consists mainly of fruit, berries, and leaves, though they have a tendency to eat soft foliage underwater if they live near a water source. They have been observed consuming upwards of 85 pounds of vegetation in a single day. Their size and remarkable speed keeps them free from most predators. Despite this, and mainly due to loss of habitat, two of the four species of Tapir are on the endangered species list.

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