Disc shaped alien UFO spotted in 1960

Disc shaped alien UFO spotted near Nasa’s 1960 Mercury Mission capsule
by - Apr 22, 2015 

Scot Waring has found evidence of extraterrestrial presence during NASA’s earliest space program. A 55-year old photograph taken by a 1960 Project Mercury probe shows a mysterious disc shaped object at a distance, with the Earth in the background. The probe was part of the US space agency’s attempts to send the first American into orbit.

It succeeded in doing so on April 1961, by sending astronaut Glen Gould aboard the Friendship 7 spacecraft around Earth’s orbit. The ET conspiracy theorist, Scot Waring, as reported on Daily Mail said that Project Mercury was one of the first trysts into manned space flight and therefore it would definitely be of interest to aliens. Officially, Soviet Union’s Vostok 1 was the world’s first human space orbital flight which carried cosmonaut Yurin Gagarin into space on May 1961.

 This isn’t the first instance of a NASA image that has alleged UFO sightings. Over the last few years, pictures sent back by the US agency’s Mars rovers have excited a number of conspiracy theorists. Some of the Martian extraterrestrial proof includes an eerie coffin, a bust of President Obama and a fossilized squirrel and iguana.

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