What does a spacecraft need to survive deep space?

"Missions near the Moon will start when NASA’s Orion spacecraft leaves Earth atop the world’s most powerful rocket, NASA’s Space Launch System." (Photo: NASA)

Orion has built-in technologies that enable the crew and spacecraft to explore far into the solar system.

When a spacecraft built for humans ventures into deep space, it requires an array of features to keep it and a crew inside safe. 
Both distance and duration demand that spacecraft must have systems that can reliably operate far from home, be capable of keeping astronauts alive in case of emergencies and still be light enough that a rocket can launch it.

Missions near the Moon will start when NASA’s Orion spacecraft leaves Earth 
atop the world’s most powerful rocket, NASA’s Space Launch System. 
After launch from the agency’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida, Orion will travel beyond the Moon to a distance more than 1,000 times farther than where the International Space Station flies in low-Earth orbit, and farther than any spacecraft built for humans has ever ventured. 
To accomplish this feat, Orion has built-in technologies that enable 

the crew and spacecraft to explore far into the solar system.

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